A Girl and Her Four Families Book Cover
A Girl and Her Four Families tree of life with four butterflies book cover created by Dana Ann Ozak in watercolor paints.

I know that there are a lot of memoirs written by the adoptees and biological parents. I truly believe that everyone in the adoption triad has a different story to tell. We should be respectful of all adoptee voices and all the voices of biological parents and adoptive parents. Just because my experience has been mostly positive, I know that not everyone has had a positive experience. I am writing my story to encourage any adopted person who has wondered to go out and find out for themselves if they are the product of genetics or environment. Do not let fear hold you back. I was lucky enough to have support when I was scared and nervous to talk to my biological father for the first time. I had friends and family who were willing to read the first contact letter I wrote to my biological mother’s sister, my Aunt Jill. Everything I am currently writing is the truth, including all my emotional perspectives, and I am hoping that my voice will be respected as I share my story.

Picture of Dana and Jason at their first meeting.
Me and my youngest brother Jason when we met for the first time.